Employee Engagement And The Path To A Better Customer Experience

There are many stories that can be told about customer experiences in stores or online. The main feature that any customer looks for in a place of business, is employee engagement and great prices. A friendly employee who caters to the customer will not only end up making a successful sale but will increase the customer loyalty for any future purchases. Building that customer rapport is key in the success of any business. The term “the customer is always right” has evolved in so many ways to this day. The employee engagement to the customer begins with the voice of the employee.

The customer’s main objective is to get what they were looking for, fast, cheap and with a helpful and friendly atmosphere. As soon as the customer walks into the store, a friendly greeting from any employee will make the customer feel welcomed. Without even thinking about it, the customer begins to rate in his head, how this store treats them. This is why it is essential for that smooth transaction between the customer and the employee. The employee must ask the correct questions to find the right product that will best fit the customer’s needs.

It is also vital for the customer to feel relaxed when deciding to buy a product and not pressured. Feeling pressured can quickly drive the customer away and leave them with a sour experience. Although sometimes a busy store can have the employee feeling hurried with the customer, taking the time to explain the product and services to the customer while handling multiple customers at the same time is a must. Doing this with successful results is a sign of excellent sales talent. A great idea would be to conduct a customer group presentation of a popular product. This way you will answer any questions the customers may have at the same time.

The voice of the employee is the most important in a retail store. It is what binds the customer to the store in the end and will keep them coming back. A great customer experience is the main goal of the retailer and it starts from the merchandising team to the sales team. Although the online customer experience may differ a little, the goal is the same for any retailer. Having both aspects of the online and personal experience in the store always moving forward with positive results, will surely make the difference in the customer’s experience and loyalty.

Pungky Dwiasmoro Hiswardhani

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Understanding The Health Insurance Claims Process

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