This year we can observe that cryptocurrencies tend to move up and down even by 15{a61c4e1b991c7f3a090c87cb66410712d4121fe18ab0f6421d85cbe80290558f} of value on a daily basis. Such changes of price are known as a volatility. But what if… this is totally normal and sudden changes are one of the characteristics of the cryptocurrencies allowing […]
Month: March 2023
I became interested in this when I saw it on the Internet. I am always looking for ways to make my money work for me. Bingo here was what I found to fill the bill. Making money and helping the small business grow. I believe I’ve found it and now […]
A correct strategy can simplify the complexity of business equations. When you work on a pre-planned strategy, you stay more confident and organize while performing any task. This assures that you can meet your target in the desired time limit. Before digging the advanced bricks in it, let us first […]
Accounting is usually boring and non-dramatic, except when accountants are faced with releases from restrictions when dealing with non-profits. This is when you see accounting types, such as CPAs and auditors, especially those with no non-profit background, laughing a bit too nervously. Blame it all on FASB 117! “Net assets […]