What You Should Do if You Are involved in a Car Accident It is unfortunate that most people don’t know what to do when they are involved in an accident. My own mother was recently in an accident, and she called me frantically asking what she should do. Knowing what […]
Every business has to have insurance of some kind, but what about partnerships? If you do have some ownership in a business arrangement but not the entire organization as a whole, you should only be required to insure your share. This is what limited liability insurance for small business is […]
Home insurance can be a complex issue, but you can make your decision easier by taking the time to understand the basics. For most people, their home is the biggest financial investment of their lives, so it’s extremely important to properly insure it. As you learn more about the topic, […]
Let’s begin with a simple definition of insurance email drip campaigns. A drip campaign is a direct marketing method used to engage prospects and retain clients leveraging ongoing, dynamic content generated email marketing programs. The campaigns send targeted, and conditional content based upon existing and changing preferences. The content is […]