Rebuilding Your Finances After Divorce

Generally speaking, when it comes to women and divorce, financial preparedness is the key to an easy divorce… or at least as close to it as you can get. It may be true that men may find themselves set back, financially, after a divorce. This is why there are attorneys who specifically offer services pertaining to divorce for men.

However, more often than not, women find themselves in dire need of divorce help due to the fact that their male counterparts generally make more money and have more financial power than they do. This can be quite unfair, particularly when women usually gain custody of the children and naturally incur higher expenses.

After a divorce, a woman’s cost of living can increase dramatically, hence the reason why court-ordered alimony and child support payments most often go to women; even so, experts report that the average woman experiences a 45{a61c4e1b991c7f3a090c87cb66410712d4121fe18ab0f6421d85cbe80290558f} decrease in her standard of living after going through a divorce. Meanwhile, the average man experiences a 15{a61c4e1b991c7f3a090c87cb66410712d4121fe18ab0f6421d85cbe80290558f} improvement in his standard of living (Long Island University’s National Center for Women & Retirement Research).

Given these eye-opening statistics, it is no wonder that women are scouring the Internet for divorce information and divorce help. By learning how to get a divorce and by seeking divorce help, spouses who find themselves on the short end of the financial stick are finding ways to protect their assets and to live a reasonable life after divorce.

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No Taxes For New Prisons

As the state seeks to cut crowding, voters favor sentencing modifications for three strike penalties and other non violent drug crimes. The economy plays a major role along with the awareness of a futile drug war and tough sentencing laws that didn’t work out as expected. Tough on crime political […]
No Taxes For New Prisons

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