Colloidal Gold For an Increased Sense of Peace, Joy, and Stability

Gold Rush is a colloidal gold super nutrient produced by Elements for Life. Is it made of micro clusters of 99.99{a61c4e1b991c7f3a090c87cb66410712d4121fe18ab0f6421d85cbe80290558f} pure 24 karat gold suspended in pure distilled and revitalized water. The gold micro-clusters form a natural ruby pink colored liquid known as colloidal gold that has a clean sweet taste similar to spring water. This product is quickly becoming known as a incredibly valuable for its broad-spectrum support of a healthy high-performance body, mind, and mood. Bio-available forms of gold have been used for 1000s of years in Egyptian, Indian, and Chinese Traditions.

Before understanding what colloidal gold can do for you, it’s helpful to understand what colloidal silver can do. Colloidal silver is capable of killing every kind of pathogenic organism such as yeast, fungus, viruses, or mold, on contact. It is used as a natural antibiotic. Colloidal gold can benefit our health tremendously as well but on a more metaphysical level. Gold helps stimulate serotonin, which is the primary neurotransmitter in all our cells. This creates our primary “stress defense shield” against metaphysical toxins. Examples of these are stresses, noise, worry, irritation from others, grief, etc. and this can definitely wear us down over time. But colloidal gold such as Gold Rush can lead to increased relaxation, peace, and an overall sense of well-being without the use of allopathic drugs.

Chad Ashley Vandenburg, visionary founder of Elements for Life, actually created Gold Rush colloidal gold to alleviate his chronic body pain after a ski accident. He discovered that ancient civilizations would take gold coins and actually sew them into the bodies of those suffering from pain. After creating and taking the colloidal gold on a regular basis and after discovering the power of raw foods and superfoods, he was able to release all of his pain and walk again. Chad testifies that he has experienced profound mental, emotional, and spiritual healing because of the Gold Rush.

David Wolfe, the world’s leading authority figure on raw foods, superfoods, and longevity technology, had his own experience with Gold Rush. His fans know that he is extremely particular about his drinking water and how it’s packaged (he prefers it in glass bottles too). He was concerned about what water he would drink during his short stay in New York City. He met Chad at a party as Chad was getting started in marketing Gold Rush and bought a case from him. David decided to drink the colloidal gold instead of water and found that he was full of energy and happiness and wasn’t hungry at all until the evening each day. It was this experience with the product that made him decide to get started with Elements for Life as a distributor and ambassador of the company and its superfoods.

Co-founder of the company, Adam Russel, has also shared about his experience with Gold Rush. Here is his story: “The colloidal gold enriched my life in countless ways almost immediately. I recall after drinking 1/2 of my first bottle, my ability to concentrate, focus and retain information increased way beyond what I felt I had been capable of, especially being told I had A.D.D. my whole life. This was followed by intense dream recall and sharpening of my intuitive abilities, and an overall feeling of vitality.”

Minerals such as gold are very broad-spectrum and seem to effect the entire mind-body complex in very positive ways. Due to the mineral depletion of our soil from commercial applications of agriculture we have far less of many crucial rare trace minerals and nutrients to experience our peak mental, emotional, and physical states of well-being. That is why is it so wonderful that we are now able to experience colloidal gold and experience the effects for ourselves.

Everyone’s body chemistry and lifestyle is different so those who take Gold Rush may experience benefits in different ways to different degrees. Commonly reported subjective experiences and benefits claimed by those who use Gold Rush as a dietary supplement include an increased sense of optimism and motivation, an increased overall sense of well-being, and an increased sense of focus, concentration, and memory. It has also lead to deeper, more rejuvenating sleep and enhanced dream recall (this is most likely because serotonin is a precursor to lucid dreaming). Other experiences and benefits include a sense of increased creativity and imagination, increased sense of mental clarity and acuity, a sense of increased yet calm and zen-like awareness, and an increased ability to cope with, or release, stress.

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