Accounting Jobs – How to Get Started in Entry Level Accounting Jobs

Entry level accounting jobs can be tough to get as you would probably face the most stringent competition any discipline of a job has to offer. Mostly as the post “junior accountant” you might get into working for the government, regular small and large scale businesses, CPAs and sometimes Non Profit organizations as well. There is an ocean of opportunities in accounting provided you have the education or the experience or if you are lucky enough, both.

Step 1.

The internet provides the majority of the opportunities and chances for prospective employees. As you may already have figured out, there are lots of job sites for fresh accountants all over the internet. Apart from the big guns you might also want to try out small communities and forums for openings. Free websites without registration can also be a part of the huge job bank available. Post your resumes in the local CPA network and you might get your first call.

Step 2.

You have to build up a very strong network for yourself. Get to know people who are interested in hiring new accountants and maintain a social interaction in clubs and meetings of accountants. Getting to know honchos in accounting field might lead you to use their references when you apply for a job. Also, tell your neighbors and friends that you want to be placed in an accounting position. You might be surprised to find out what people can offer unexpectedly. Who can tell, your next door might be your first leap into your accounting career.

Step 3.

Try to build your resume as professionally as possible and with the proper combination with the good interview you might as well bag the job easily. If you don’t get calls as much you might want to recheck your resume and also brush up your interviewing skills.

Step 4.

In the interview, be punctual and provide answers to the point and try to play with numbers whenever you have the slightest chance. Remember there are different types of accounting jobs and you must be sure where you want to go. If you have done your homework and know which accounting job and accounting career gets you maximum money, try not to put it very blatantly.

Step 5.

Take your accounting internship very seriously. Remember that, not only takes you into the feeling of the field you are about to set your foot in, but also will provide you with a tremendously helpful work experience. Try to get contacts and make priorities into your social network to make the best of every chance possible.

Do not hesitate any opportunity that might come into your way. Accounting salaries are varied according to the type of job and position. Do not get disappointed if you start with something as little as data entry. Everything has its own value and accounting salary will rise up proportionally to your expertise and experience. Put all of these in mind and apply wherever you see yourself in.

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