Online Accounting Courses Vs Traditional Accounting Courses

If you are thinking of pursuing a degree in accounting, the first thing you will need to decide is if you are going to get your degree using online accounting courses vs. traditional courses.

Years ago, this was not even an option to consider. Now, in these innovative times full of advanced technology, more and more college campuses and specialized online programs have implemented degree programs specifically tailored to help busy people pursue their degree in an alternative way: entirely through online course work.

There are benefits to both routes of study though, and it is important to weigh all your options.

Online Courses:

Online courses have both positives and negatives. The positives are overwhelming and make it seem crazy for anyone to think of pursuing coursework through the old fashioned way of being tied down to a classroom.

First, it is important to recognize you can typically pursue your online degree on your own time frame. Not only can you take classes whenever you want, which is a huge benefit to people with full time jobs and stay at home parents, but you can often complete your courses much quicker by utilizing online courses. Rather than having to wait for the specific courses you need to be scheduled, and also to have class availability (which is often difficult with enrollment), you can sign up for classes at the same time as other classes, without overlap or conflict. For many, this is the ONLY option. If someone has a full time 9-5 job or takes care of their children during the day, it would take them many years to find appropriately scheduled night classes in all the specific classroom hours the degree requires. These kinds of people need flexible scheduling to suit their already busy lives. Online accounting courses are often the only option to get their degree done in a quick time frame.

Another benefit is that you can complete your coursework anywhere, as long as you have access to a computer. This means a stay at home mom can complete coursework while her child naps. People can take classes late at night or on weekends if that is what their full time jobs require. For others who are travel for work, if they have internet access, they can complete their courses in different places through the computer.

But for as many great benefits as online courses offer, there are just as many positive aspects of going the old fashioned route.

Traditional classroom courses:

If it was a no-brainer, colleges would go out of business because everyone would be taking online courses. But college classes have their own benefits.

Although online colleges brag up their support structure and how you have access to teachers, there is nothing like being in a classroom. Not only do you have the ability to easily ask questions to your professor and get clarification quickly on topics, but just learning in a face to face environment often causes more of the material to sink in.

Also, being in the classroom allows you to form bonds with other students. By sharing your knowledge with others, and also getting different perspectives on the way others think, you can get even more out of interacting with others in the classroom.

Classroom learning also offers benefits like the other professors, advisors, and department chairs that can help with your learning, and something as simple as the college library can make a difference. Although everything you need IS available on the internet, the library system offers a wide variety of knowledge AND a quiet place to study.

The decision of whether to take online accounting courses vs. traditional courses is a difficult one, and can only be decided by each individual student based on their criteria of what fits best in their daily lives.

Pungky Dwiasmoro Hiswardhani

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